Clearing the Cache for Microsoft Teams (Windows)

  1. Select the Up Arrow in the bottom right of the toolbar.
  2. Right, Click on the Microsoft Teams Icon to open the Context Menu.
  3. Select Quit to completely close Microsoft Teams.
  4. Select the Windows icon from the toolbar.
  5. Type File Explorer.
  6. Select the File Explorer icon.
  7. Select the Address Bar.
  8. Enter %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams
  9. Open the Cache folder.
  10. Select All Files in the Cache folder.
  11. Delete All Files in the Cache folder.
  12. Repeat Steps 9-11 for the following folders:
    • blob_storage
    • databases
    • GPUCache
    • IndexedDB
    • Local Storage
    • tmp
  13. Close the File Explorer window.
  14. Open Microsoft Teams.
  15. Log in with your MSU Email and Password.
  16. Your Microsoft Teams Cache has been cleared.

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